Avatar: The Last Airbender puzzles
The avatar Aang is the main protagonist of the adventure and his destiny is to master the four elements: Air, Water, Earth and Fire
Katara is a powerful water - bender that accompanies Aang with his brother Sokka
Sokka is a 15 years old warrior of the Southern Water Tribe who goes with Aang
Aang and Zuko fighting
Appa, Aang's flying bison
Toph Bei Fong, Toph is a girl born blind that accompanies Aang on his quest and to teach him earthbending
The Prince Zuko is exiled of the Fire Nation and wants to capture the Avatar Aang to restore his honor
The retired General Iroh known as the dragon of the West is Zuko's uncle and mentor
Azula is the Princess of the Fire Nation and Zuko's younger sister
Aang is a 12 years old boy that has spent 100 years frozen in an iceberg with his flying bison