Star Wars puzzles
Darth Vader, Star Wars
Star Wars logo
X-Wing Alliance
Count Dooku is a skilled orator and philosopher, skilled warrior.
Soldier of the Republic
Space station
Plo Koon, the planet Dorin
Yoda was a member of the Jedi High Council before and during the War of the Clones.
General Grievous it is a fearsome and powerful cyborg who has devoted his life to the destruction of the Republic and the extermination of the Jedi Knights.
Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi masters
Clone trooper
Young Anakin Skywalker with his lightsaber
R2-D2, astromech droid (phonetically spelled Artoo-Detoo or Artoo-Deetoo, called
Darth Vader with his lightsaber
Space station
Chewbacca, the huge and hairy wookiee, pointing with his gun
The great master Yoda, a Jedi master
Star Wars